Download & install Google Chrome

Google Chrome is a fast spider web browser bachelor at no charge. Before y'all download, you tin check if Chrome supports your operating system and y'all accept all the other arrangement requirements.

Install Chrome on Windows

  1. Download the installation file.
  2. If prompted, click Run or Salve.
    • If yous cull Salve, to start installation, either:
      • Double-click the download.
      • Click Open file.
  3. If you're asked, "Practise yous want to allow this app to make changes to your device," click Yes.
  4. Start Chrome:
    • Windows 7: A Chrome window opens once everything is washed.
    • Windows 8 & viii.1: A welcome dialog appears. Click Next to select your default browser.
    • Windows 10 & xi: A Chrome window opens afterward everything is done. You tin can make Chrome your default browser.

If you've used a different browser, like Internet Explorer or Safari, you can import your settings into Chrome.

Can't install Chrome because of S mode

If you lot tin can't install Chrome on your Windows computer, your computer might exist in S way. If you desire to download and install Chrome, larn more about how to leave S mode. You lot tin can besides learn how to fix issues installing Chrome.

Install Chrome offline

If you're having problems downloading Chrome on your Windows computer, you lot can try the alternate link below to download Chrome on a dissimilar reckoner.

  1. On a figurer connected to the Internet, download the alternate Chrome installer.
  2. Move the file to the computer where you want to install Chrome.
  3. Open up the file, and follow the onscreen instructions to install.

If you land on the regular download page, that's normal. Even though the installers await like, a special tag tells us which one is best for you.

Once y'all download the file, you can send it to another reckoner.

Install Chrome on Mac

  1. Download the installation file.
  2. Open up the file called "googlechrome.dmg."
  3. In the window that opens, find Chrome Chrome.
  4. Drag Chrome to the Applications binder.
    • You might be asked to enter the admin countersign.
    • If y'all don't know the admin password, drag Chrome to a place on your computer where you tin can brand edits, similar your desktop.
  5. Open Chrome.
  6. Open Finder.
  7. In the sidebar, to the correct of Google Chrome, click Eject Eject.

Check your Mac configuration

Yous tin choose the right version of Chrome to download based on your Mac processor.

To bank check which version of Chrome to install:

  1. On your Mac, select the Apple icon.
  2. Select About this Mac.
  3. In the "Overview" tab, next to "Processor" or "Chip", check if it says "Intel" or "Apple".

When downloading the Chrome installation file, select the option that matches your device.

Install Chrome on Linux

Use the same software that installs programs on your figurer to install Chrome. You'll exist asked to enter the administrator account password.

  1. Download the installation file.
  2. To open the package, click OK.
  3. Click Install Package.

Google Chrome will be added to your software manager so it stays upwardly-to-date.

Arrangement requirements to utilize Chrome


To use Chrome on Windows, you'll need:

  • Windows vii, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 or later
  • An Intel Pentium four processor or later that'southward SSE3 capable


To use Chrome on Mac, you lot'll need:

  • OS X El Capitan 10.xi or subsequently


To use Chrome on Linux, you'll need:

  • 64-fleck Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian 8+, openSUSE 13.iii+, or Fedora Linux 24+
  • An Intel Pentium 4 processor or later that's SSE3 capable

Fix problems with Chrome

  • Try uninstalling Chrome and reinstalling it to fix problems with your search engine, pop-ups, or Chrome updates.
  • Fix issues installing Google Chrome
  • Fix "Aw, Snap!" page crashes and other page loading errors

Related articles

  • Turn sync on or off in Chrome
  • Update Google Chrome
  • Uninstall Google Chrome

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